- axis of abscissas横坐标轴;
- application of load施加负荷;
- a piece of the action(为获得利益)参与某事;
- a horse of another colourn.完全另一回事;
- bed scour河床冲刷;
- beasts of burden牛马;
- coat of mailn.甲胄;
- department of labor劳工部;
- expiry of employment雇用期满;
- essence of chicken鸡精;
- economies of scale规模经济;
- be all of a jumpv.紧张;心惊胆战;胆战心惊;
- type of visa签证类型
- garden of Eden(<圣经>中所说亚当和夏娃所住的)伊甸园,没有罪恶的圣洁之地;
- holder of a grant奖学金获得者;
- in showers of spark阵雨似的火花;
- letter of marquen.逮捕的许可令,捕虏敌国商船的许可证;
- margin of errorn.误差幅度;
- out of question毫无疑问;
- out of hand无法控制;立即;终于;难以收拾;
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